
On a production environment I was watching a query I had just made attempts at optimizing take longer and longer as days went. Usually I would look at WHERE clauses to inform me on indexes that need creating or queries that need restructuring but often overlooked ORDER BY clauses, turns out both need equal attention.


I will be using Laravel for this because of easy EXPLAIN statements provided by barryvdh/laravel-debugbar and FakerPHP that we’ll use to seed the database with lots of records.

  1. Create a Laravel Project

    $ composer create-project laravel/laravel order-by-gotcha
  2. Update .env and set DB_DATABASE, DB_USERNAME and DB_PASSWORD. I will be using mysql. You might need to create a database.

  3. Create a Client model together with a corresponding migration and controller.

    $ php artisan make:model Client -mc
  4. Update the migration. Only the email column is indexed, for future demonstration purposes.

    // ...
    // ...
  5. Update the Client model to make the columns fillable.

    // ...
    protected $fillable = [
    // ...
  6. Update the DatabaseSeeder to seed 1,000,000 clients. This might take a bit, 6 min on my end (SSD, 8 Cores):

     public function run(): void
         $records = [];
         $start_time = microtime(true);
         $iter_start_time = microtime(true);
         for ($i = 0; $i < 1_000_000; $i++) {
             // For logging, just to see stuff works
             if ($i > 0 && (($i % 10_000) == 0)) {
                 $end_time = microtime(true);
                 $cumulative = $end_time - $start_time;
                 $iter = $end_time - $iter_start_time;
                 $this->command->info("$i - Cumulative: $cumulative, Iter: $iter");
                 $iter_start_time = microtime(true);
             $records[] = [
                 'name' => fake()->name(),
                 'email' => fake()->email(),
                 'phone' => fake()->phoneNumber(),
                 'created_at' => fake()->dateTimeBetween('-10 Years', 'now'),
                 'updated_at' => fake()->dateTimeBetween('-10 Years', 'now'),
             // Bulk insert every 1000 records
             if ($i > 0 && (($i % 1_000) == 0)) {
                 $records = [];
  7. Now on to the ClientController class, with the following methods:

     public function index()
         $client =  Client::query()->latest()
         return view('welcome', compact('client'));
     public function index_with_where_clause()
         $filter = 'ca';
         $client =  Client::query()
             ->where('email', 'like', "%{$filter}%")
         return view('welcome', compact('client'));
     public function index_order_by_email()
         $client =  Client::query()
         return view('welcome', compact('client'));
     public function index_order_by_id()
         $client =  Client::query()
         return view('welcome', compact('client'));
  8. Clean up welcome.blade.php, just show the client name:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
        {{ $client->name }}
  9. Update web.php to add the route:

     Route::get('/', [ClientController::class, 'index']);
     Route::get('/with_where', [ClientController::class, 'index_with_where_clause']);
     Route::get('/order_by_email', [ClientController::class, 'index_order_by_email']);
     Route::get('/order_by_id', [ClientController::class, 'index_order_by_id']);
  10. Add laravel-debugbar and publish the config:

    $ composer require barryvdh/laravel-debugbar --dev
    $ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Barryvdh\Debugbar\ServiceProvider"
  11. Enable explain output by editing config/debugbar.php. Scroll until you find the setting then update it as follows:

    'explain' => [                 // Show EXPLAIN output on queries
        'enabled' => true,
        'types' => ['SELECT'],     // Deprecated setting, is always only SELECT
  12. Run migrations and seed the database:

    $ php artisan migrate --seed
  13. Start the server

    $ php artisan serve

Exploring Performance

  • When we open http://localhost:8000/, this is what the debug bar shows us as the EXPLAIN output:

    explain select * from `clients` order by `created_at` desc limit 1
    clientsALL999001Using filesort

    999001 records are being loaded into memory! And the query takes 904ms. Not good. On production, a comparable query was taking 1.7 seconds.

  • You might think that a query with a where clause would help things, let’s open http://localhost:8000/with_where to see if that’s the case:

    explain select * from `clients` where `email` like '%ca%' order by `created_at` desc limit 1
    clientsALL999001Using where; Using filesort

    Still way to many records being loaded with the operation taking 767ms.

  • We added an index on the email column though? Maybe let’s use it when ordering instead of created_by. Let’s open http://localhost:8000/order_by_email:

    explain select * from `clients` order by `email` desc limit 1

    Only one row is loaded, and the index is used with the select operation taking 2.46ms. Just like that we get a significant bump in performance. On production the query went from 1.7 seconds to ~70ms. Now you can either add an index to the created_at column or leverage the primary key which is indexed by default. The email index in this example was just to show indexes help in ORDER BY statements.

  • Let’s use the PRIMARY KEY for ordering http://localhost:8000/order_by_id:

    explain select * from `clients` order by `id` desc limit 1

    This one takes 1.74ms, doesn’t load close to a million records to memory, looks alright.


Use indexed columns when using ORDER BY clauses.

Resources for Further Exploration